How do you use filters in AngularJS to manipulate data?
How do you use filters in AngularJS to manipulate data?
Updated on 22-Nov-2023
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How do you use filters in AngularJS to manipulate data?
Aryan Kumar
22-Nov-2023In AngularJS, filters are used to format or manipulate data in the view. They can be applied to expressions in the HTML to transform the data before it's displayed. Filters are often used for tasks such as formatting dates, sorting arrays, converting text to uppercase or lowercase, and more.
Here's how you can use filters in AngularJS:
Basic Syntax:
In the controller:
Custom Filters:
You can also create custom filters by registering a new filter function using the filter method in your AngularJS module.
Chaining Filters:
Filters can be chained to perform multiple transformations on the data.
In this example, the currency filter formats the price, and then the uppercase filter converts it to uppercase.
Common Use Cases:
Formatting Numbers and Currencies:
Date Formatting:
Text Transformations:
Filtering and Sorting Lists:
Custom Transformations:
By leveraging filters in AngularJS, you can easily manipulate and format data in a clean and declarative manner, enhancing the presentation of your application's user interface.